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How Can IFRS 15 Affect Your Business

IFRS 15 Contracts with Customers introduced a huge change and a very difficult challenge for almost every single company.  We discussed with some of our friends CFOs or auditors, there are two types of reactions:

  1. Either people feel that this is A CHALLENGE and they ask me how IFRS 15 can possibly affect them; OR
  2. People even don’t realize this is a challenge and as a result, they do literally nothing in order to prepare themselves. As we say – sweet ignorance. Or as English says: ignorance is a bliss.

Please, be the exception and stand out from the crowd.

Be aware of what IFRS 15 and its implementation can mean for your company and prepare early enough.

Now let’s start.

What industries will be the most affected ?

For some companies, the impact of the new rules for revenue recognition will be minimal and they will simply continue recognizing revenue just as before. No headaches.

However, some companies might face difficult challenges in order to apply the new rules. The biggest challenges will be mainly in the areas that are not very precisely arranged by IAS 18 and other related standards.

As opposed to existing guidance, IFRS 15 gives you much less room for your own accounting decisions and specifies a lot more things.

The biggest areas of impact are probably:

Different sectors or industries are affected in many different ways along the 5-step model. Here, I selected 4 important industries that will face probably the biggest challenges:

  1. Telecommunications (with link to example: Identifying individual performance obligations and allocating transaction price)
  2. Manufacturers (example included below: Contract modifications)
  3. Real estate and property development (example included below: Revenue over time/at the point of time)
  4. Software development and technology (example included below: Splitting the contract into 2 separate obligations)

Little disclaimer: It is really impossible to write about everything here as that would be enough to write a book. Analyzed sectors can face different challenges too. And if you don’t find your sector here, just go through these 4 as there’s a lot of analogy.

#1 Telecommunications

Telecom industry is typical for dealing with huge number of clients, typified contracts and various multiple offerings (e.g. sign up for annual plan and get handset for free).

Therefore, the main challenge will be to split bundled offers into individual performance obligations and allocate the transaction price.

Also, the revenue for the individual performance obligations might be recognized over time (e.g. 2 years subscription plan), or at the point of time (e.g. delivery of handset).

Short example of a similar situation:

Under IAS 18, many telecom operators provided free handsets to customers and treated them as “marketing costs”, or costs to obtain a client.

Under IFRS 15, this is not permitted, as IFRS 15 requires allocating the transaction price to individual performance obligations.

In this case, telecom operators must allocate total contract price between the revenue from the sale of handset and sale of monthly plan.

As a result, the timing of revenue recognition changes, because under IFRS 15, the revenue is recognized earlier than under IAS 18.

Another implication of this treatment is that the revenue recognition does not correspond with monthly billing to customers, as there will be some deferral accounts involved.

This is really challenging because implementation will require significant changes in the IT systems, so that IT systems can automatically calculate and book the amount of revenue recognized each month.

Further challenges in telecom industry are:

#2 Manufacturer Companies

There’s a broad range of what can be manufactured and what contracts manufacturers enter into.

If you manufacture similar items in large amounts that are basically typified and not too specific, then you can still be affected by IFRS 15 – just look to example below.

What you should watch out:

Revenue under previous rules (IAS 18)

Well, here, nothing much to say. By definition of revenue in line with IAS 18, the revenue for the delivery is simply accounted at the time of delivery, in the fair value of consideration received for the computers – which is whatever amount under 2 above scenarios.

You are not required by IAS 18 to examine whether this additional delivery reflects stand-alone selling prices or not. Also, let’s not complicate the things with issues such as “commercial substance”, “transfer pricing”, “dumping prices” – this is just an example.

The revenue for the year ended 31 December 20X1:

Is it the same under IFRS 15?

You bet it is NOT!

Revenue under IFRS 15

Here, the additional contract represents typical contract modification, as the amount of computers changes and the total transaction price changes, too.

IFRS 15 precisely specifies how to account for contract modifications, based on the terms of modification. There are 2 basic types of contract modification:

Contract modifications IFRS 15
  1. Contract modification is a separate contract Contract modification is accounted for as for a separate contract (meaning that the original contract is left as it is), when 2 criteria are fulfilled:
    • Additional goods and services in the modification must be distinct from the goods or services in the original contract.In both scenarios, this is met, as additional computers are quite distinct from the original computers.
    • Amount of consideration expected for the additional goods/services must reflect the stand-alone selling price of these goods/services.
  2. Contract modification is not a separate contract If the above criteria are not fulfilled (or one of them is not met), then the contract modification is not a separate contract and the accounting depends on further analysis.

#3 Real Estate – Construction Companies and Property Developers

Property developers and construction companies are typical for their contracts with customers of a long-term nature.

The biggest challenge is to decide whether the company should recognize revenue over time (spread during individual years of construction) or at the point of time (one-time at the completion of a contract).

IFRS 15 lists 3 situations when an entity needs to recognize revenue over time:

Recognize Revenue (IFRS 15)

For property developers and construction companies, especially one situation is crucial:

When the entity’s performance does not create an asset with alternative use to the entity and the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date, then the revenue is recognized over time.

For example, when a company constructs or develops an asset so specific for the customer that it would be very costly or impracticable to transfer to other customer (e.g. building with highly customized specification). At the same time, customer is obliged to pay for work completed to date in the reasonable amount.

Alternatively, “no alternative use” can be achieved contractually, meaning that the contract prevents directing the asset to another customer.

For real estate companies it will be crucial to assess whether the property developer has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date or not.

This is not the only criterion to decide, but it is prevailing for real estate.
If the specific contract does not meet this criterion (and also the other two), then the revenue is recognized at the point of time; that is, when an asset is delivered to customer.

Only slight change in the provisions of the specific contract may trigger the necessity to recognize revenue at the point of time rather than over time – or vice versa.

#4 Technology and Software development

Technology sector, especially companies involved in a development of software, selling software licenses and providing various related services is famous for the diversity of its operations and long-term contracts.

The main challenges are therefore:

Other difficulties arise in areas common for every industry: dealing with contract modifications, how to account for contract costs (e.g. commissions for getting the client), etc.

Let’s take a look at example in which software company needs to split the contract and treat performance obligations separately.

Example: Software development and Splitting the contract into 2 separate obligations

XYZ is a software company who entered into contract with a client C on 1 July 20X1. Under the contract, XYZ is obliged to:

Total contract price is CU 55 000.

XYZ assessed its total cost for fulfilling the contract as follows:

As of 31 December 20X1, XYZ incurred the following costs of fulfilling the contract:

How should XYZ recognize revenue from this contract under IAS 18 and IFRS 15?

Revenue under previous rules (IAS 18)

Here, XYZ clearly provides professional services and the related revenue falls under the scope of IAS 18. IAS 18 requires recognizing revenue from similar services using the stage of completion including post-delivery services.

It means that XYZ treats software development and post-delivery services as one big service for the purpose of accounting the revenue.

Let’s say that XYZ calculates the stage of completion based on costs incurred for fulfilling the contract.

At the end of 20X1, total incurred cost was CU 13 000, which is 29% of total estimated cost of CU 45 000.

Therefore, under IAS 18, XYZs’ revenue from this particular contract in the year 20X1 is 29% (stage of completion) x CU 55 000 (total contract price) = CU 15 950. Sure, I used some rounding, but you get the picture.

Is it the same under IFRS 15?

Revenue under the new rules (IFRS 15)

IFRS 15 states very precise and detailed guidance on whether the goods or services promised under the contract are distinct and whether they can be considered separate performance obligations or not.

Of course, you need to perform your analysis and I tell you – your conclusion might be pretty different from this example, based on specifics in the contract.

But here, let’s say that software customization services and post-delivery support meet the definition of distinct performance obligations and as a result, they need to be treated separately.


We need to look at them as at separate components, and allocate total transaction price of CU 55 000 to them based on their relative stand-alone selling prices.

Note: contract price is not necessarily the same as transaction price, but let’s not complicate it now.

Let’s say that XYZs’ normal charge for the support services is 10% of the package price, no matter what the “package” is – whether some ready-made license or customized software.

That would imply that the relative split between customization service and post-delivery service is 100:10, which is:

Again, this is just an example and some different approach might fit your own situation better.

In the year 20X1, XYZ measures the progress towards the completion of the performance obligation separately, based on inputs for the fulfilling the contract (costs in this case).

Internal cost estimations show that XYZ estimated total cost for the contract of CU 45 000, thereof CU 43 000 for the salaries of software developers and CU 2 000 for the salaries of consultants providing post-delivery support (based on man-days).

Let’s measure the progress towards the completion of both individual performance obligations as of 31 December 20X1:

As a result, revenue recognized from this contract in the year 20X1 is:

Total revenue from the same contract under IFRS 15: CU 15 000.

For the simplicity, you can revise the calculations in the following table:

Performance obligationEstimated total cost (A)Incurred cost to 31-Dec-X1 (B)Progress % (C)=(B)/(A)Allocated transaction price (D)Revenue recognized in 20X1 (D)*(C)
Professional services43 00013 00030%50 00015 000
Post-delivery support2 00000%5 0000
Total45 00013 000n/a55 00015 000

Again, this is just one way of how new IFRS 15 can influence software developers, but also other companies performing long-term contracts.

Also, the specific calculation will strongly depend on what you have in your own contracts and how your own calculations, systems and estimates work. There is no one solution applicable for all.

But when they finally started, it was painful. Then many accountants and CFOs realized that they would need much more time for making transition and they should have started months before they actually did.

Don’t make the same mistake and start NOW.

For Services Related to IFRS Assessment in Dubai

Contact us at the earliest at

Alya Almarzooqi Auditing (Alya Auditors) Park Lane Tower,Room No: 3204, Business Bay, Dubai,UAE. Tel: +971 4876 9377, Mob: +971 52 9750 690, +971 52 475 4007.

Courtesy to IFRS Box

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