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Business Planning Services in UAE

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

Dubai is a popular choice for international business for a reason. The lack of corruption, the strong emphasis on education, and wealth of natural resources creates a perfect backdrop for new ventures. The people of the UAE welcome foreign businesses with open arms and financial incentives few countries will match. When you decide to start a business in the UAE, success is almost certain. When you reach that success the low tax rates and warmth towards the free market guarantee you will enjoy it as well. No matter your business plan, Dubai is right for you.

Why Choose Alya for Your Business Planning & Market Research Service in the UAE

Business Planning in Dubai

We are in constant contact with investors and other funding sources. This enables our business plan writers to develop plans that raise money. Since 2015, Alya’s clients have raised more than 2.5 Billion AED.​

We don’t just document your ideas on paper. Our business plan experts conduct market research and collaborate with you to create strategies for you to succeed in today’s environment and over the long-term.​

Our strong reputation and excellent relationships with referrers (including conflicted accountants) mean we work with an extensive range of clients including individuals, trustees, businesses, entrepreneurs, charities, governments, lawyers and the courts.

Alya’s business plan consultants have attained degrees from top universities of the world with industry specific expertise in business planning and market research. 

Our Business Planning & Market Research

Gather full knowledge of the business

Perform financial analysis of your company.

Preparation of the future projections and due-diligence of past financials.

Choosing of any one approach for valuation based on your business.

Doing valuation adjustments and arriving the conclusion.

Presenting the findings in a report.

Business Planning & Market research...