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Approved Auditors in Sharjah

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

Having top auditors in Dubai, Alya Auditors is rated amongst the most reputed audit firms in Dubai & UAE. We offer a full range of audit & assurance services and help companies to achieve business goals by understanding the organizational structure & internal process of the company. Auditing companies in Dubai & UAE ensure that the financial accounts are maintained as per the UAE law. 

We tailor our work to meet each client’s specific needs, planning for your future prosperity, in the face of an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment. Every company is required to hire an approved chartered accountant firm in UAE that is licensed & registered with the Ministry of Economy for auditing the companies’ accounts according to UAE Commercial Companies Law/ Federal Law No. 2 of 2015.

Our Auditing Service in Sharjah Includes

Management Audit

Management audit is audit of the management.

Management Audit

A systematic approach that aims to analyze the effectiveness of management systems of an organization
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Statutory Audit

Auditing done using auditing and accounting standards prescribed by the government.

Statutory Audit

A statutory audit is a legally required review of the accuracy of a company's or government's financial statements and records.
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VAT Audit

An audit of your tax return to verify that your income and deductions are accurate.

VAT Audit

It is a formal examination by approved Tax Agent of the company’s VAT Ledgers, Sales & Purchases Ledgers Trial balance reconciliation with standard rated sales.
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Due Diligence Audit

All companies should maintain International Financial Reporting Standards in their books.

Due Diligence Audit

IFRS assessment is conducted when new or revised accounting standard is implemented in any business from a specific date.
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Forensic Audit

Examination of a company's financial records to derive evidence.

Forensic Audit

Audit done at the specific request of the management to detecting or mitigating the chances of fraud or misappropriation of funds.
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Information System Audit

Ensures the system provides accurate information to users and makes sure unauthorized parties do not have access to private data.

Information System Audit

Ensures the system provides accurate information to users and makes sure unauthorized parties do not have access to private data.
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Why Choose Alya Auditors as Your Auditors in Sharjah

Accounting and auditing in sharjah

Add value to your business by using the audit as a basis to identify and resolve commercial issues and to improve your business processes.

Use the understanding and insight gained from the audit as a basis for helping you develop strategies to drive your business forward.

Reduce risk and improve your organisational performance by challenging existing assumptions and practices.

In the present world, it has become tough to avoid fraud. What’s more stringent than that is to detect them. By evaluating financial reports of the company, one may know where the mischief has happened. Alya Auditors forensic audit service and cash embezzlement service are  perfectly fit for your company for fraud detection.

Our Audit also identifies your strengths on which lesser effort can give you more return. We provide advice to you based upon the results which can safeguard you from the potential threats. Our widely extended service makes us one of the top audit firms in Dubai.

It will also highlight control weaknesses and let the business owner know if risk management processes are operating effectively thus increasing the efficiency of your business.

Our Audit Procedure

Out of all our auditing services, we need to find a suitable one for you. Depending upon the industry, we select the audit cycles which are required to be implemented on your business. This helps us to prepare an accurate quotation for you.

After the approval of services and quotation, we need the company to provide us information required to conduct the audit. The data is based on the type of audit we perform. Generally, the financial data (credit notes, debit notes, invoices, purchases, etc.) is required for the Statutory Audit. The forensic audit requires information about employees as well.

Our tailor made plan depends upon the necessity of the client. For different audit types, such as balance sheet audit, cash flow statement audit, fraud audit inventory audit, cash audit, stock audit, etc., different methodologies have been developed. Alya Auditors has created its own techniques which are efficient enough to perform a precise audit.

Auditing is done for various sections, and different auditing reports are generated. We review the generated document to make sure it is with respect to the federal law of UAE. It is further merged into one before presenting in front of the board of directors and shareholders.

The audit report contains all the information required to know the complete picture of your company. Based on that, if you need further assistance in making any changes, we will be available for you.

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