Audit & Assurance Service in Dubai
We’re a prominent firm of chartered accountants and VAT/Tax experts in the UAE, assisting entrepreneurs, high-net-worth people, family offices, and expanding companies.
There are a variety of reasons why an audit or assurance report may be necessary. In addition to meeting regulatory requirements, it could also be used to ease investor concerns or assess your processes and controls. Regardless of the situation, you should be confident in the report’s objectivity and accuracy. Alya offers objective, practical audit and assurance services to help assure compliance and provide peace of mind. Audits of financial statements, internal control systems, and specialist systems all fall into this category.
As per the Federal Law of 2015 in the United Arab Emirates, all businesses are required to submit audit reports.
Auditors in Dubai help businesses fit into the UAE economy and stay compliant with the law by assisting with the basic requirements.
Audit Services in UAE
Our Auditing Service in Dubai Includes
Management Audit
Management Audit
Statutory Audit
Statutory Audit
VAT Audit
VAT Audit
Due Diligence Audit
Due Diligence Audit
Forensic Audit
Forensic Audit
Information System Audit
Information System Audit
Why Choose Alya Auditors as Your Auditors in Dubai

Use the audit as a foundation for identifying and resolving commercial issues and improving your business processes to add value to your company.
Use the knowledge and insight gathered from the audit to help you establish plans to propel your company ahead.
By challenging established assumptions and practices, you may reduce risk and improve your organization’s performance.
It has gotten increasingly difficult to prevent fraud in today’s environment. What’s even more difficult is detecting them. The location of the mischief can be determined by examining the company’s financial data. Alya Auditors’ forensic audit and cash embezzlement services are ideal for detecting fraud in your organization.
Our audit also highlights your strengths, which may be improved with minimal effort. We give you advise based on the findings that can protect you from potential hazards. We are one of the top audit businesses in Dubai because of our extensive service.
It will also reveal control flaws and inform the business owner if risk management methods are working properly, thereby enhancing your company’s efficiency.
Our Audit Procedure
Out of all our auditing services, we need to find a suitable one for you. Depending upon the industry, we select the audit cycles which are required to be implemented on your business. This helps us to prepare an accurate quotation for you.
After the approval of services and quotation, we need the company to provide us information required to conduct the audit. The data is based on the type of audit we perform. Generally, the financial data (credit notes, debit notes, invoices, purchases, etc.) is required for the Statutory Audit. The forensic audit requires information about employees as well.
Our tailor made plan depends upon the necessity of the client. For different audit types, such as balance sheet audit, cash flow statement audit, fraud audit inventory audit, cash audit, stock audit, etc., different methodologies have been developed. Alya Auditors has created its own techniques which are efficient enough to perform a precise audit.
Auditing is done for various sections, and different auditing reports are generated. We review the generated document to make sure it is with respect to the federal law of UAE. It is further merged into one before presenting in front of the board of directors and shareholders.
The audit report contains all the information required to know the complete picture of your company. Based on that, if you need further assistance in making any changes, we will be available for you.

We are approved by various freezones and mainland authorities to conduct auditing services