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Compliance Auditing Services in Dubai

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

A compliance audit also reviews whether an entity complying with internal rules, regulations, policies, decisions, and procedures.

An entity required to comply with the local law and regulations or they will face penalties or fine. Some fine is only for a certain monetary amount and some fine requires a close operation.

Many organisations struggle to fully understand how to manage compliance effectively, yet significant steps can be made towards optimization by following the same principles of running a business. This is clearly evident in the companies with the most effective compliance functions. Establishing strategic alignment with organisation structures to design a fit for purpose, holistic and sustainable model are the key foundational principles that leading organisations are using to build their compliance function.

Alya Auditors can help you to understand how to apply these principles to your own compliance function and elevate its value to the organisation, thus driving long term strategic benefit to your business.

Our Compliance Audit Services in Dubai Includes

Tax Audit

Examination of an organization's tax return to verify that financial information is being reported correctly.

Tax Audit

To minimize the penalty from the FTA, the entity is recommended to follow all the requirements set by tax law and for this it is good to consult an audit firm.
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Statutory Audit

A statutory audit is a legally required review of the accuracy of a company's or government's financial statements and records.

Statutory Audit

A statutory audit is a legally required review of the accuracy of a company's or government's financial statements and records.
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Stock Audit

Stock audit or inventory audit is a term that refers to physical verification of a company or institution's inventory assets.

Stock Audit

This Audit is gathering evidence, especially for manufacturing or retail-based businesses. It can represent a large balance of assets or capital.
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Integrated Audits

Integrated audit usually happens when there are two different areas of audit requirements.

Integrated Audits

Integrated audit also happens when the entity operates in many different countries and the financial statements are audited by different audit firms.
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Financial Audit

Auditing of the business’s financial statements by an independence auditor where audit opinion will be provided on those financial statements after auditing works are done.

Financial Audit

Most of the entity prepares its financial statements based on IFRS, and some entity’s financial statements are prepared based on local GAAP.
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Value Audit

Assessing and evaluating three main difference factor Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness.

Value Audit

Value Audit helps the business not only to improve resource efficiency usage but also making sure that the entity obtains good quality material at the low costs.
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Benefits of Appointing Alya Auditors as the Compliance Auditors for Companies in UAE

Compliance Audit in uae

Helps the company to be prepared with the proper documentation and follow-up processes to correct any deficiencies are essential to passing any audit.

If a competitor experiences a security incident, analyze your internal systems and ensure all access into your network is protected. Trouble at another company within your industry may prompt compliance auditors to investigate your organization for similar security inefficiencies.

It’s estimated that up to 30% of the UAE’s businesses are subject to fraud, error and corruption. Workplace fraud can occur for years without being detected and can be so substantial that some businesses never recover financially or repair their reputations. An audit can be an effective tool for identifying fraud and opportunities to commit fraud. Experienced auditors are skilled at pinpointing weaknesses in an organisation’s systems and controls and suggesting ways to strengthen these to prevent fraud occurring.

An audit confirms the accuracy of an organisation’s financial statements by analysing its financial transactions. It’s a detailed process and can result in certain types of income, expenditure, assets and liabilities being scrutinised. This critical examination, coupled with the auditor’s financial expertise, can then be used by business owners for better financial planning, budgeting and financial decision-making for the future.

A thorough, in-depth audit takes an impartial look at your organisation’s internal systems and controls. This means it’s an ideal opportunity for the auditing experts to suggest improvements that can make your business more efficient. Ways to improve internal controls, business systems, accounting practises, efficiencies, governance and culture can all be identified through the audit process.

Historically, companies might have had days or weeks to furnish documentation requested by a regulator. Now, compliance auditors expect companies to product documents quickly, even on-demand in some cases.

Our Compliance Audit Procedures

  • Compliance function organisation structure
  • Policy and charter defining roles and responsibilities
  • Compliance manual including scope, risk assessment, training and communication, reporting, monitoring and testing
  • Alignment with ISO 19600: 2014 requirements
  • Identify compliance requirements from laws, regulations, contracts, internal policies and procedures
  • Undertake compliance reviews
  • Provide assistance in regulatory interpretations
  • Compliance risk assessment and prioritisation (impact/likelihood)
  • Assess user requirements
  • Assist in system selection
  • Support in implementation
    • Bespoke Alya compliance offering
    • Other leading tools
  • Post Implementation support
    • Framework/obligations update
    • Technical support
  • Managed services
    • Outsourcing the compliance function
Procedure of Compliance Audit in uae