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Risk Management Services in Dubai

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

Risk management from Alya – helping you identify and manage risks for your projects, operations and everyday business activities.

Whatever your industry, you need to ensure the safe execution and maintenance of your projects, operations and business activities, including trade.

Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.

Risks can come from various sources including uncertainty in financial markets, threats from project failures (at any phase in design, development, production, or sustainment life-cycles), legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters, deliberate attack from an adversary, or events of uncertain or unpredictable root-cause.

Risk Assurance covers all risk services where Alya is providing independent assurance and the preparation towards assurance to our clients where the assurance can be used by our clients to build confidence and trust with their customers, the general market/public, key stakeholders or when regulatory (by law or oversight) or contractually required.

Our Risk Management Service in Dubai Includes

Fraud and Financial Crimes Services

our practice is best demonstrated when advising clients with concurrent criminal, regulatory and civil fraud issues.

Fraud and Financial Crimes Services

Fraud can destroy trust between companies and individuals, throw carefully laid plans into chaos and undermine an organisation’s collective identity, culture and values.
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Enterprise Risk Management Services

Our specialists provide consultative and managed services to identify and respond to enterprise risks and critical events.

Enterprise Risk Management Services

Enterprise Risk Management Services is a framework for responding to critical enterprise risks Critical, disruptive events can threaten the very survival of your organization.
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Risk and Regulatory Compliance Solutions

Compliance challenges are difficult, and compliance risk can take on many regulations.

Risk and Regulatory Compliance Solutions

Expansion often is a fertile ground for inefficiencies to risk and there is ample room for effectiveness across all three lines of defence while stabilising or lowering costs.
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Analytics and Reporting for Risk and Fraud

organizations expert guidance creating workflows that provide enterprise risk management to address to help address fraud, waste, abuse and corporate compliance.

Analytics and Reporting for Risk and Fraud

Reconciliation of your bank statements with the records maintained by your organization.
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Third Party Risk Management Services

Third-party risk management is the process of analyzing and controlling risks associated with outsourcing to third-party vendors etc.

Third Party Risk Management Services

Detect,access and minimize potential risks associated with your suppliers,distributors and partners and regularly monitoring them for any change in status.
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Digital Risk Management Services

Access a powerful combination of digital identity verification,document proofing and risk screening solutions.

Digital Risk Management Services

Access a powerful combination of digital identity verification,document proofing and risk screening solutions.
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Why to choose Alya Auditors for Risk Management in Dubai


Risk management practices let you see where projects need attention, and which projects these are. Dovetailing perfectly with any existing Project Management Office processes you already have in place, good risk management can give you the context for understanding the performance of a project and contribute to any health checks, peer reviews or audits.

 Leaders have access to better quality and more helpful data which enables them to make better decisions more grounded in the reality of a project.

Being able to access risk information in real time through a project management dashboard means that decisions are made based on the latest data, not a report that is already out of date.

What should the contingency budget for this project be? Let’s guess at 10%.”

Project risk management means that contingency budgets can be more accurately estimated and rely less on the professional guesstimates of the project team. By incorporating risk management into schedule planning and cost planning you can create scenarios to better inform what you should be budgeting in terms of extra time, resource and money.

Overall this will lead to fewer cost and time overruns and better quality plans.

Knowing that risk is being actively managed sets an expectation for project success. With the framework in place to deliver despite the known risks, and open communication about the project’s challenges with senior managers, everyone begins work knowing that success is the expected outcome.

This changes the whole mindset of the team: knowing they are working on something destined to deliver great results for the company improves morale, supports productivity and hopefully engenders and environment where success is achieved!

With risks being actively tracked and managed, the project team can maintain a focus on the critical outcomes. Risk management supports this because it serves to highlight where project outcomes may not be achieved, focusing the team on what to do about that particular concern to get the project back on track.

Our Risk Management Process

To identify financial risk, examine your daily financial operations, particularly cash flow. Operational – These risks are linked to your company’s administrative and operational procedures ranging from your IT systems, to regulations to recruitme

Financial risk ratios assess a company’s capital structure and current risk level in relation to the company’s debt level. These ratios are used by investors when they are considering investing in a company. 

Business require measurement and assessment systems to oversee the net-interest spread, the principal driver of operating earnings.To create a favorable environment for achieving return on assets or EPS growth goals, managers need powerful asset/liability management, income simulation and transfer pricing tools to help budget the interest margin.

We will help the businesses to have a bespoke plan for their kind of business and get it implemented through us effectively. 

We will not only help you to implement the solutions that we have framed for your business but also evaluate the effect of the solution that we have implemented and how your business is benefiting out of it.

Risk Management Process