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Information System Audit in UAE

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

The effectiveness of an information system’s controls is evaluated through an information systems audit. An audit aims to establish whether information systems are safeguarding corporate assets, maintaining the integrity of stored and communicated data, supporting corporate objectives effectively, and operating efficiently. It is a part of a more general financial audit that verifies an organization’s accounting records and financial statements. Information systems are designed so that every financial transaction can be traced. In other words, an audit trail must exist that can establish where each transaction originated and how it was processed. Aside from financial audits, operational audits are used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of information systems operations, and technological audits verify that information technology is appropriately chosen, configured, and implemented.

Our Audit Services in Dubai Includes

Management Audit

Management audit is audit of the management.

Management Audit

A systematic approach that aims to analyze the effectiveness of management systems of an organization
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Statutory Audit

Auditing done using auditing and accounting standards prescribed by the government.

Statutory Audit

A statutory audit is a legally required review of the accuracy of a company's or government's financial statements and records.
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VAT Audit

An audit of your tax return to verify that your income and deductions are accurate.

VAT Audit

It is a formal examination by approved Tax Agent of the company’s VAT Ledgers, Sales & Purchases Ledgers Trial balance reconciliation with standard rated sales.
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Due Diligence Audit

All companies should maintain International Financial Reporting Standards in their books.

Due Diligence Audit

IFRS assessment is conducted when new or revised accounting standard is implemented in any business from a specific date.
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Forensic Audit

Examination of a company's financial records to derive evidence.

Forensic Audit

Audit done at the specific request of the management to detecting or mitigating the chances of fraud or misappropriation of funds.
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Information System Audit

Ensures the system provides accurate information to users and makes sure unauthorized parties do not have access to private data.

Information System Audit

Ensures the system provides accurate information to users and makes sure unauthorized parties do not have access to private data.
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Benefits of Choosing Alya for Companies-Information System Audit

Compliance Audit in uae

Helps the company to be prepared with the proper documentation and follow-up processes to correct any deficiencies are essential to passing any audit.

If a competitor experiences a security incident, analyze your internal systems and ensure all access into your network is protected. Trouble at another company within your industry may prompt compliance auditors to investigate your organization for similar security inefficiencies.

It’s estimated that up to 30% of the UAE’s businesses are subject to fraud, error and corruption. Workplace fraud can occur for years without being detected and can be so substantial that some businesses never recover financially or repair their reputations. An audit can be an effective tool for identifying fraud and opportunities to commit fraud. Experienced auditors are skilled at pinpointing weaknesses in an organisation’s systems and controls and suggesting ways to strengthen these to prevent fraud occurring.

An audit confirms the accuracy of an organisation’s financial statements by analysing its financial transactions. It’s a detailed process and can result in certain types of income, expenditure, assets and liabilities being scrutinised. This critical examination, coupled with the auditor’s financial expertise, can then be used by business owners for better financial planning, budgeting and financial decision-making for the future.

A thorough, in-depth audit takes an impartial look at your organisation’s internal systems and controls. This means it’s an ideal opportunity for the auditing experts to suggest improvements that can make your business more efficient. Ways to improve internal controls, business systems, accounting practises, efficiencies, governance and culture can all be identified through the audit process.

Historically, companies might have had days or weeks to furnish documentation requested by a regulator. Now, compliance auditors expect companies to product documents quickly, even on-demand in some cases.

Our Information System Audit Procedures

Management auditors requires information for the appraisal of various Managerial aspects.All information about the company will be collected.

The Management auditors should carefully examine the information may also be required to reach certain conclusions. The information should be carefully studied to ascertain the real position of organisation.

The information collected by management auditor should be compared with the objects and standards set earlier. Sometimes, information is compared with that of previous years. This will give on idea of actual performance of the entetprise. This will help in assessing the comparative performance of the unit.

The auditor prepares a report detailing the findings of the audit. Included in the report are mathematical errors, posting problems, payments authorized but not paid and other discrepancies; other audit concerns are also listed. The auditor then writes up a commentary describing the findings of the audit and recommended solutions to any problems.

Management Audit