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VAT Review in Dubai

We’re a leading firm of chartered accountants & VAT/Tax advisers supporting entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, family offices and growing businesses in UAE.

Value Added Tax or VAT is a tax on the consumption or use of goods and services levied at each point of sale. VAT is a form of indirect tax and is levied in more than 180 countries around the world. The end-consumer ultimately bears the cost. Businesses collect and account for the tax on behalf of the government. 

VAT Reviews can help ensure you meet all of your compliance obligations. Above all this is essential to minimise the risk of fines and penalties while also looking to generate savings and identify opportunities to improve cash-flow. Furthermore it will ensure that you do not create VAT issues for your customers which can adversely affect your commercial relationship.

A VAT review is a general “health check” on how accurately your business processes VAT transactions and can highlight opportunities for savings as well as identify areas of risk where assistance may be needed. In addition, cash flow opportunities may be identified.


Our VAT Service in Dubai Includes

VAT Record Keeping

A taxable person in UAE is liable to maintain accounts and records for a period of five years in the new UAE VAT Tax LifeCycle.

VAT Record Keeping

FTA can ask for details like Annual accounts, General ledgers, VAT Ledgers, Records of all supplies and imports, etc, from individual traders as well as business firms.
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VAT Amendment

FTA allows the taxpayers to modify the registration details online by login in to the FTA portal.

VAT Amendment

Any changes in the details after registering, needs to be reported immediately to the FTA.If the changes are not notified and amended, a penalty could be levied.
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VAT Documentation

A VAT registered business must keep full and true records of all business transactions which are related to the liability of VAT.

VAT Documentation

Based on the threshold, business can apply for registration or can seek exemption from VAT registration.
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VAT De-registration

Tax De-registration is the provision for a registered taxable person to cancel his/her VAT registration.

VAT De-registration

The penalty for failing to apply for a mandatory de-registration of VAT within the specified time frame of 20 business days.
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VAT Training

Our VAT training gives informative sessions for you and your employees to give clear concept and understanding of every vital technicality of VAT.

VAT Training

Our Training program examines the rules and regulations of VAT and the procedures and controls that should be in place to ensure VAT returns are submitted accurately and on time.
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VAT Refund

When the input tax is greater than the output tax on a VAT return, the taxpayer can request a VAT refund after filing their VAT return.

VAT Refund

When a taxpayer submits a claim for refund, the FTA will process and review the application within 20 business days of submission.
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Why Choose Alya Auditors for VAT Review

VAT in Dubai uae

VAT filing guards your business and gives a legal assurance and proof of your business existence.

VAT filing has an upper edge in the arena of tax payments thereby, avoiding financial loss, securing your business furthermore.

VAT compliance brings along with it a certain business goodwill. In fact, many large firms are often reluctant to conduct business with companies that aren’t VAT-registered.

All about VAT return filing service in UAE

You must file for tax return electronically through the FTA portal: Before filing the VAT return form on the portal, make sure you have met all tax returns requirements. For all kinds of VAT Filing in Dubai Alya can help you.

Taxable businesses must file VAT returns with FTA on a regular basis and usually within 28 days of the end of the ‘tax period’ as defined for each type of business. A ‘tax period’ is a specific period of time for which the payable tax shall be calculated and paid. The standard tax period is:

  • quarterly for businesses with an annual turnover below AED150 million
  • monthly for businesses with an annual turnover of AED150 million or more.

The FTA may, at its choice, assign a different tax period for a certain type of business. Failure to file a tax return within the specified time frame will make the violator liable for fines as per the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. 40 of 2017 on Administrative Penalties for Violations of Tax Laws in the UAE (PDF, 1 MB).

The taxpayer is responsible for calculating the VAT return during the filing process. It is calculated considering the following factors:

  • The total sales and purchases of your business in the relevant return period
  • The amount of VAT you owe for sales
  • The amount of VAT you can claim for the purchases made

In the end, if you owe more VAT than you are able to claim, then you need to pay the difference. If the situation goes vice-versa, you can either ask for the refund of excess VAT or can carry forward the excess to next return period.

All registrants are required to file VAT return, irrespective to the type of VAT registration or sales, purchases, output tax, input tax, etc.

VAT 201 is a declaration that needs to be made by the end of every tax period. It reflects the VAT that the vendor charged on supplies or details for which he is liable to declare output and input tax.