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Auditing Advantages

Auditing has become a compulsory task in the business organization. All the organizations like business, social, industries and trading organizations make audit of books of accounts. Now-a-days, owner of business and its management are separate. So, to detect and prevent frauds, auditing has become essential. Its advantages are as follows:

1. Audit Helps To Detect And Prevent Errors And Frauds

An auditor’s main duty is to detect errors and frauds, preventing such errors and frauds and taking care to avoid such frauds. Thus, even though all organizations do not have compulsion to audit, they make audit of all the books of accounts.

2. Audit Helps To Maintain Account Regularly

An auditor raises questions if accounts are not maintained properly. So, audit gives moral pressure on maintaining accounts regularly.

3. Audit Helps To Get Compensation

If there is any loss in the property of business, insurance company provides compensation on the basis of audited statement of valuation made my the auditor. So, it helps to get compensation.

4. Audit Helps To Obtain Loan

Specially financial institutions provide loan on the basis of audited statements. A business organization may obtain loan considering the audited statement of last five years. So, an organization should make audit compulsory to obtain loan.

5. Audit Facilitates The Sale Of Business

Valuation of assets is made by the auditor. On the basis of valuation of assets and liabilities, businessman can sell his business. It helps to determine the price of business.

6. Audit Helps To Assess Tax

Tax authorities assess taxes on the basis of profit calculated by the auditor. In the same way sales tax authority calculates sales tax on the basis of sales shown in the audited statement.

7. Audit Facilitates To Compare

An auditor instructs an accountant in the same way which helps to compare books of accounts of current year with the accounting of the previous year. So, comparing the accounts of current with previous years helps to detect errors and frauds.

8. Audit Helps To Adjust Account Of Deceased Partner

Valuation of all the assets and liabilities of the business is made by the auditor while auditing books of account. Such valuation helps to clear the amount of deceased partner.

9. Audit Helps To Present A Proof

If any case is filed against the auditor regarding negligence, auditor can present audited report as a proof to settle such case. So, it helps to present proof to settle such cases.

10. Audit Provides Information About Profit Or Loss

A businessman wants to know profit or loss of his business after a certain period of time. So, the owner of the business can get information about profit or loss after auditing the books of accounts.

11. Audit Helps To Prepare Future Plan

All the audited statements remain true and correct. Such true and correct account helps to prepare for the future plans.

12. Audit Helps To Increase Goodwill

Auditing shows the profitability and financial position of an organization which creates faith of public over the business. Thus, auditing helps to increase goodwill of an organization.

13. Audit Helps To Amalgamate The Company

Sometimes, same nature of organization may be amalgamated. Auditing makes valuation of assets and liabilities which helps to amalgamate the company. Purchaser of the company can accept such business organization on the basis of valuation made by the auditor.

Looking for the best and energetic Listed Auditors in Dubai ?

Alya Auditors can help you in all your Audit Requirements. Alya Auditors is one among the top most Approved Auditors in DMCC. Apart from DMCC, Alya is approved in all major freezones in UAE including JAFZA,SAIF Zone,DWC,Maydan etc..

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