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VAT Public Clarification -Adjustment on Account of Bad Debt Relief

Where a VAT registered supplier supplies goods or services to its customers but is not paid (wholly or partially) within a specified period, such supplier may be able to adjust the VAT on the bad debts, subject to meeting the conditions prescribed in Article 64(1)1 of the Federal Decree-Law No. 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax (‘Decree-Law’).

A VAT-registered supplier is generally required to account for output tax in the same tax period in which a tax invoice is issued. This is on the basis that no other event which triggers the date of supply has taken place prior to the date on which the invoice is issued.

If that invoice is not paid and a bad debt situation occurs, the VAT accounted for by the supplier is likely to become a real cost to the business. The Bad Debt relief scheme seeks to provide relief to the supplier in such instances by permitting an adjustment of the VAT charged but not paid by the customer.

Conditions to benefit from the bad debt relief scheme are :

a. The goods and services should have been supplied and VAT on the supply should have been charged and accounted for;

b. The consideration for the supply should have been written off in full or in part as a bad debt in the accounts of the supplier ;

c. More than six months should have passed from the date of the supply;

d. The supplier should have notified the customer of the amount of consideration for the supply that has been written off.

How can we help?

If your business in DMCC/JLT Dubai and is looking to understand more about the taxes in the country and conduct an audit for your company, then you can take the assistance of Alya Auditors– Chartered Accountants. Alya is a reputed name in the field of Auditing and Accounting and is also a certified firm in almost all the free zones in the UAE including DMCC, DWC, DWTC. We will assess all the needs and requirements of the company and accordingly provide a solution.

For any more details on the services provided by Alya Auditors -Chartered Accountants, feel free to Contact Us. We will be happy to help.

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